Gretchen Wilson, Redneck Woman Top 100 Country Songs

It's difficult to overstate how quickly America caught Gretchen Wilson fever in 2004. 'Redneck Woman' shot up the country charts faster than any debut single ever, spending five weeks at No. 1. She was suddenly the voice of hard-luck, female country music fans. Instantly, Wilson became a superstar, earning a Grammy and a CMA Award for Top Female Vocalist in the span of 18 months.

Song No. 64 on the Top 100 Country Songs list would be in the Top 10 of a list of important songs by female country artists. Wilson busted through barriers and made it acceptable for normal women to be sexy in pop culture. Without her and her song 'Redneck Woman,' stars like Miranda Lambert would have had a tougher road.

Skip to: No. 80 | No. 60 | No. 40 | No. 20

Listen to 'Redneck Woman' by Gretchen Wilson
