Travis Leonard Takes Large Pools and Large Donations to a New Level

Travis Leonard Takes Large Pools and Large Donations to a New Level

Travis Leonard has been making a splash since he was a child. A self-proclaimed water baby, Leonard began his love affair with pools as a competitive swimmer and eventually dove into the deep end as a pool designer at A&G Concrete Pools Inc. in 2000. He worked his way through the ranks, and now the 38-year-old is CEO of the Port St. Lucie-based company, which is nationally renowned and one of the area’s most philanthropic businesses.

Who sparked your interest in building and design?

My father was master plumber and a building/plans inspector for the City of Port St. Lucie, so I think he’s responsible for teaching me about building and contracting—especially how to do a job beautifully, efficiently and with a goal of structural integrity and perfection. My mom has been an animal control officer since I was a child, and I think I acquired my love of animals and desire to help others from her example.

What’s your favorite day of the year?

You might think my favorite day would be spent around the pool, but every Christmas morning, my wife, children and I all get up early and head to the St. Lucie County Fire District. We help load up fire trucks with gifts for children and goodies for families [who] might not otherwise have a Christmas, and all of us go out and help the firefighters who are working on Christmas Day deliver Christmas to others. We don’t get home until the middle of the day, so when most families are taking their post-Christmas morning nap or fighting over putting the trickier gifts together, our kids are just starting to gather around the tree to open their own gifts. I love that my children think of others and want to share with them before they choose to enjoy their own Christmas. It makes me feel like we’re doing something very right as parents.

How does it feel to have A&G awarded a World’s Greatest Pool Award by Pebble Technology?

We are so excited. We’ve long been considered one of the top 50 pool companies in the nation, but honestly, we were incredibly surprised by this latest award. We didn’t even realize we were in the running for something, but it feels great to be recognized for a design and build that were not only visually stunning but made the customer’s pool dream a reality. It’s a great feeling when you know that someone is going to be relaxing and enjoying life a little more because you listened to what they wanted and went out of your way to make it happen.

You and your business partner, Art Allen, and the company itself are widely recognized as one of the most community-minded and philanthropic companies on the Treasure Coast. Why does the business choose to be so generous?

That’s really an easy question. We have been in business in this community for 30 years, and for that entire time, we’ve been able to hire the best, most loyal and hard-working staff members and subcontractors. The community has supported us by choosing us to build dream pools, and we want to support the community by giving back to the non-profit organizations and charities that go out of their way to serve others. We have a real soft spot for organizations that serve children and animals, so we focus a lot of our efforts and donations on them, but we try to support as much of the community as we can because we really believe in the people and the spirit of this beautiful community on the Treasure Coast.

To celebrate its 30th year in business, A&G Concrete Pools Inc. donated $10,000 checks to three non-profit organizations in St. Lucie County. With little fanfare, A&G chose to celebrate its business milestone by assisting the Humane Society of St. Lucie County, HANDS/VIM of St. Lucie County and Boys and Girls Clubs of St. Lucie County. In the fall, the company plans to host a pool party for all of its customers from the last three decades.
