Reon top administrator for county schools | Education

Parents, teachers and an administrator of the year from the Jones County School District were recently honored with lunch at Salem Heights Baptist Church. During the lunch, the Moselle Elementary School Beta Club performed their SongFest competition song and talent competition song for which they received first place at the state convention in Tupelo.

Patsy Reon of the Jones County Career and Technical Center was presented with the award for Administrator of the Year.

“It’s an honor to be recognized, but I think all the other administrators in this room would agree with me that we’re only as good as our students,” Reon said after she was presented her plaque.

Reon has taught in the Jones County School District for 30 years. She taught business education for 16 years and was career pathway experience (co-op) coordinator for 11 years at West Jones High School. This is her third year as principal at Vo-Tech.

“She’s made incredibly innovative changes at the Career and Technical Center, and enrollment numbers are up drastically,” Superintendent Tommy Parker said.

Reon earned her bachelor’s degree in business education and master’s in business technology education from the University of Southern Mississippi. She became a National Board Certificated Teacher in 2001 and has taught adjunct courses at USM, training sessions for Mississippi Department of Education and Mississippi State University and served on the state curriculum writing team for co-op.

She was once recognized as secondary teacher of the year by the Mississippi Business Education Association.

“Not all graduates go on to four-year universities,” Reon said. “All students need the necessary skills to be successful, productive employees in today’s world of work. Better skills lead to better paying jobs.”

Reon and her husband Mike have two daughters and three grandchildren.

Parker also recognized the district parent and teachers of the year, who are chosen by a committee after nominees are given by their peers at each school.

JCSD Parent of the Year Danielle Jones

Parent of the Year Danielle Jones is raising her two siblings who are students at West Jones Elementary. She also has two children of her own. She is a graduate of West Jones High School and Jones County Junior College and works in radiology and sonography. She is a Red Cross volunteer, pee-wee cheerleader sponsor and “copying chairperson.” She volunteered with Helping Hands, Fall Festival and taught Too Good For Drugs.

“I can’t express how much I appreciate you and others like you,” Parker said. “Some people like to talk about what they would like to see happen, but you all put action behind the words.”

JCSD Teacher of the Year Penny Wilkerson

Penny Wilkerson of Glade Elementary was selected JCSD’s Teacher of the Year. She started teaching in Alabama in 1988 and came to the Jones County School District at Sharon Elementary in 2006.

She received her degree from the University of West Alabama. Wilkerson has received the Mississippi Power Clara Barton Award, was chosen as a University Scholar and has written grants to enhance the learning experience at Glade. She was recently chosen to serve on the committee to set standards for third-grade Gate.

Wilkerson has two children and three grandchildren.

“To all of you who were nominated, I don’t feel that I deserved it more than you because you all work just as hard,” Wilkerson told her peers.

Jones County School District Parents of the Year are, front row from left, Bobbie Jo Everett, Moselle Elementary; Nina Barber, South Jones High; and Jane and Terry Pitts, West Jones High. Back row, Jonathan Celoria, South Jones Elementary; Melissa James, East Jones Elementary; Kyle White, North Jones Elementary; and Danielle Jones, West Jones Elementary. Also honored were Joni Huckins, Glade Elementary and Mark and Rosemary Norton, Northeast Jones High.

Jones County School District Teachers of the Year are, front row from left, Nadja Flowers, Northeast Jones High; Lisa Ishee, Pine Belt Educational Service Center; Denise Williams, West Jones Elementary; Penny Wilkerson, Glade Elementary; Teresa Mackey, East Jones Elementary; and Ellene Hosey, Jones County Career and Technical Center. Back row, Stephen Brown, West Jones High; Katie Robinson, Moselle Elementary; Christina Walters, South Jones High School; Wanda Rogers, North Jones Elementary; and Rebekah Breland, South Jones Elementary.
