Shania Twain Furious Over Tim McGraw, Faith Hills Competing Las Vegas Show?

Las Vegas is turning into a second home for more and more country music superstars, and one singer allegedly isn't happy about it. Shania Twain is reportedly "seething" that coverage of Tim McGraw and Faith Hill's Soul2Soul residency is taking away from her comeback show at Ceasars Palace.

Granted, Perez Hilton is only quoting "an insider" as his source for the rumored drama, which was first reported in the National Enquirer.

"She knew they were coming, but she didn’t think they’d try to steal the spotlight like they have," he or she said of Twain without going into specifics. Soul2Soul began on Dec. 7, just days after the star began her high-profile and much-hyped show.

"It’s taken Shania everything to get to this point, and now, along come Faith and Tim to spoil her party," the source revealed.

Not surprisingly, Hill, McGraw and Twain have not responded to the comments. Reviews indicate that while both focus on their catalog of hits, Twain's show takes the production to a new level. Billboard reports that her Still the One set includes multiple live horses, a flying motorcycle that's shaped like a horse and scented air that changes as the themes of the performance change. At one point, the singer brings fans onstage to sing campfire style. Those left in the audience enjoy the aroma of a campfire infused into the atmosphere.

Both Twain and McGraw/Hill's shows are on break through the holidays, with Soul2Soul returning to the Venetian on Jan. 18 and Still the One returning on March 19.
